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[ 2016年9月20日 ]








宣讲会时间:2016/10/9 18:30
宣讲会地点:交通大学  电信群楼3-200报告厅 


Analog Design Engineer: (上海、南京)

-Master Degree or above, Solid integrated circuit and solid state devices knowledge

-Specialties in some areas of PLL, high speed circuit design, I/O design, LVDS, ESD,ADC/DAC, mixed -signal design, CMOS switching regulator and noise reduction are the plus

Digital Design Engineer: (上海、南京)

-Master Degree or above

-Solid knowledge of semiconductor logic design and flow.

-Good understanding of video, computer and communications systems.

-Experiences with protocols of Display Port, analog VGA, HDMI, Fibre Channel, USB and PC Express are a plus.

Digital Design Engineer--- Algorithm (上海、南京)

-Master Degree or above

-Good understanding of video, computer and communications systems.

-Good at C and Matlab modeling and simulation.

-Good understand image processing is a puls

Digital Verification Engineer: (南京)

-Master degree in either electronics engineering or computer science

-Proficient and experienced with the C/C++ programming.

-Proficient with Verilog HDL, familiar with at least one hardware verification language, System Verilog is a strong plus.

-Proficient with one or more scripting languages, such as Shell, Perl and TCL.

Application Engineer---Sensor: (上海、南京)

-Master Degree or above in Physics/EE/ME, hardware/mechanical electronics or related engineering
-Solid physics, hardware and electronics design knowledge
-Strong modeling capabilities on physics, mechanical, electronics, like using Matlab, Spice, Perl, Python, Comsol to run simulations

Application Engineer ---Firmware  (上海)

-Master Degree or above in EE/CE, embedded microcontroller (8-bit, 16bit)/embedded control application background

-Solid “C”  and assembly language familiarity
- Knowledgeable on analog and MCU based application design

Software Engineer  (上海、南京)

-Master Degree or above, Solid background in C and C++

-Familiar with embedded system, computer architecture, operating system

-Experience in Linux Kernel Driver (Display part preferred), Android System Infrastructure, Windows Driver.



谱瑞Parade是一家全球领先的无晶圆集成电路设计公司,是高速信号传输接口标准之混和信号IC芯片的供应商领导者。我们的产品片已应用于多种液晶显示器,笔记本电脑,消费性电子产品及智能手机。谱瑞成立于2005年,并于2011 年挂牌上市。总部位于美国硅谷。上海和南京的子公司,主要从事工程验证与研发设计。

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